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Rebuild Foundation Programme
Introduction to the Whole - The Economy, Leadership and You
0.0 Foundations-intro-to-whole (1:08)
1.0 Intro- Shifting the paradigm -Make the impossible normal (5:15)
1.1 Lenses-Reality vs Actuality and Complementary pairs (11:08)
1.2 Meaning making- Identity and stages-SOR-SOP (10:23)
1.3 How you think- Thought Forms (6:59)
1.4 Your nature-needs and energies (6:01)
1.5 Integrating meaning making-how you think and your nature (0:44)
1.6 Your decisions are always rational (11:34)
1.7 Why our Economy is failing us- Money vs Currency (new) (16:10)
Organisations as Living Beings - The Adaptive Organisation - FairShares Commons
2.0 Intro Organisations as living beings-AOM-FSC (1:15)
2.1 Organisations as living beings (12:30)
2.2 The 6 strata-we need a new whole OS (5:14)
2.3 3D Human-Work-Capital dimensions Part I (13:13)
2.4 Making the impossible normal (4:33)
2.5 3D Human-Work-Capitals Soc+Hola Part 2 (7:52)
2.6 Fragile Teal-Hola and Soca- valley of stability (8:44)
2.7 Peak Adaptive Performance (12:42)
2.8 Start from where you are (4:50)
Diving deeper - The Adaptive Organisation - Rebuilding the Economy, Leadership and You
3.0 Intro - Diving deeper (2:19)
3.1 Antifragile Psych safety - 3D - work axis-autopoeisis (Part 3) (10:42)
3.2 Antifragile Psych safety - 3D model- FSC risks and changing the game - (Part 4) (10:37)
3.3 Harnessing inner tensions - AW ground pattern (10:03)
3.4 Adaptive Way ground pattern_inter-personal tensions (16:14)
3.5 Roles & Tasks_Mgmt Acc to HC and Functional Acc Hierarchy (10:20)
3.6 Business theory Economics & false assumptions (4:54)
3.7 Disconnected portfolios vs Connected Ecosystems (18:14)
3.8 Co-opetition-markets-level 5 FSC (4:37)
3.9 My Journey-What-s next (4:15)
Rebuild Foundation Live Workshop Guide (pre-work)
Rebuild Foundation course study guide
2.1 Organisations as living beings
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